The War Begins Again, page 3
June 16th, 2013
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June 16th, 2013
Comic 0, page 3! Meet the newest member of the TNC News team, Barbara Acuño! Unfortunately, her first interview on the job just might be her last! Why? Because her first interview is with none other than... a Goatstroker!

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June 7th, 2013
Comic 0, page 2! Television News Channel's supreme anchorman, Chuck Osteck, lays down the known consequences of the Beans vs. Cornbread war beginning again with an early diagnosis from Doc Ali.

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May 31st, 2013
Comic 0, page 1! We interrupt your least favorite fictional reality show for this important message... which is actually on page two, BUT STILL.

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The Rules

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Currently on the Network Channel

Show: Early Morning People Show
Time: 7:31 AM

The Market Report

There was a rumor that only the good die young, leading stocks to go up 48.83 points. Today's final tally is 18169.28.

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